Let’s get this started…

So I was sitting on the couch last night, looking up something on my phone (I don’t even remember what), and it suddenly popped into my head that it would be fun to write a book blog.  Because apparently I don’t have enough to occupy my time.  I started doing a little digging on how to get ARCs, and then I decided to sleep on it before making any decisions.

Except I couldn’t sleep.  My brain took the notion and ran with it.  SO MANY IDEAS.  So many books I want to write about.  So many favorites I want to share.

So that’s what I’m going to do.  I’ll write about my favorite books (I’m thinking “Friday Favorites” might become a thing).  I’ll read and review upcoming and new books.  I have a couple of authors I might reach out to for interviews, because that could be fun.  Shoot, I’ll probably throw in the occasional nothing-specific-but-still-book-related stuff.   I’m looking forward to seeing where this takes us.